- Work Schedule and Time Worked
- Telecommuting or Teleworking
- Leave
- Code of Conduct
- Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
- Tobacco Free Workplace
- Electronic Devices
- Discrimination and Harassment
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Workplace Violence
- Progressive Discipline
- Grievance Process
- TravelVehicle Use / Fleet Management
- Social Networking and Social Media
- Food Purchase
What personally identifiable data is being stored at the Oklahoma Conservation Commission?
The Oklahoma Conservation Commission (Commission) collects personally identifiable data (PID) as required for employees and conservation district staff and board members for internal Human Resources, benefits, and retirement needs.
How is the personally identifiable data stored?
All PID is stored in a variety of ways including electronic and paper form. The Commission protects all personal information in accordance with State of Oklahoma Information Security policies, procedures, guidelines (as applicable) found at:https://oklahoma.gov/omes/services/information-services/about-information-services.html
With whom does the Commission share this information?
The Commission only shares PID with others as required by or in accordance with the law.