Project Purpose: The Carbon Pilot Program was initiated in 2009 to support development of the new Oklahoma Carbon Sequestration Certification Program. It was conducted
in conjunction with the EPA-funded North Canadian River Water Quality Project, whose goal was to improve the water quality of the river between Canton Dam and Lake Overholser in Oklahoma City by reducing polluted runoff from land. The pilot program used paired financial incentives from carbon offset payments and water quality program cost share monies to encourage participation. The pilot was also used to gage the interest of agricultural producers in carbon offsets. Read more about the soil research here.
Goals: Gain perspective on the willingness of Oklahoma agriculture producers to engage in carbon market transactions; use contracted acres to develop and test field verification protocols for substantiating carbon credits; encourage improved land management practices that store carbon dioxide and improve water quality; encourage soil sampling to determine carbon sequestration rates in Oklahoma.
Partners: Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts, OK-NRCS, Oklahoma State University, Central North Canadian River Conservation District, Blaine County Conservation District, Dewey County Conservation District
Funding Sources: US EPA, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
Project Duration: 2009-2011
Click on a report below to see annual verification results for the project.