The Unpaved Roads Program works to create a better unpaved county road system with a reduced negative environmental impact on priority water resources in Oklahoma. The Program focuses on best management practices (BMPs) that reduce the impact of sediment and road runoff to streams, rivers, and drinking water supplies while reducing long term unpaved county road maintenance costs.
The Program is designed to fund work on public roads with unbound road surfaces. Projects are selected based on a number of criteria with preference given to those in priority watersheds. All Oklahoma counties are eligible to apply for project funding.
Up to $75,000 in grant funding is available for approved projects that meet the application criteria.
- Fund safe, efficient, and environmentally sound projects for the maintenance of unpaved roads that have been identified as possible contributors of sediment in Oklahoma streams.
- Provide training on techniques of unpaved road maintenance that minimize negative impacts to water and air quality.
Unpaved Roads Training
At least one representative from each county district must have attended an Oklahoma unpaved roads course provided by Oklahoma Conservation Commission prior to submitting a grant application.
Upcoming Courses can be found at this link.
Applications will be reviewed and ranked with preference given to projects in priority watersheds. The application criteria are:
- A water body listed as impaired on Oklahoma’s 303(d) list;
- A water body containing an aquatic species listed as threatened, endangered or a candidate species by the Federal Government;
- A water body that has been determined to be impaired as a result of turbidity or sediment;
- A water body used as a drinking source for people;
- A water body used as an interstate waterway;
- A water body important to agricultural or pasture land use;
- A water body important to forestry land use.