Texas County Conservation District 2010 Outstanding Cooperators

Auden and Derenda Aranda of Aranda Farms near Keyes, Okla., have been selected as the Texas County Conservation District’s 2010 Outstanding Cooperators. The award, presented annually by the Texas County Conservation District, recognizes a local farmer or rancher or family who have worked with the conservation district and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to implement progressive, sustainable and successful conservation programs and practices in their operation.
The Arandas, who have been farming for 13 years raising wheat, milo, and feed, were selected by the Texas County Conservation District’s board of directors from 21 nominations. Chosen for their successful implementation of the NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), as well as their progressive use of no-till farming practices, buffer strips, tree plantings, Geographic Positioning System guidance systems, and pivot monitors, Auden and Derenda have shown a desire and willingness to go above and beyond in their efforts to help protect and sustain our natural resources.
Mr. and Mrs. Aranda, originally of Elkhart, Kan., and their two children, Ramee Grace and Auden, are pleased with the benefits their farm has received since implementing the EQIP and CSP programs in their operation five years ago. Those benefits include improved yields, soil quality, and cost-efficiency.
In addition to farming, the Arandas are active in their local communities. Auden serves as a volunteer firefighter for the Yarbrough Fire Department. Both he and Derenda are active members of the Yarbrough School Boosters and serve as the Elkhart Church of Christ youth coordinators. With their selection as the county winner, the Arandas will be nominated by the Texas County Conservation District for the Oklahoma Association of Conservation District’s Outstanding Cooperator Area Award, which is announced in late October of each year.