SWCS 2012 Annual State Meeting

The Oklahoma Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (OK-SWCS) will hold its Annual Meeting in Stillwater, June 6-7, 2012. The meeting will be held at the Wes Watkins Conference Center with lodging at the Stillwater Plaza Hotel and Convention Center.
The theme for the meeting, “Natural Resource Conservation and Oklahoma Local and Direct Market Foods” reflects the conference’s focus on niche market production in Oklahoma and the previous and ongoing efforts to improve the sustainability of this growing sector of Oklahoma Agriculture. The meeting will provide perspective from the field from Oklahoma producers. A discussion of consumer trends and consumption behavior will also be provided. The meeting will also highlight the efforts being made by government agencies and non-for-profit organizations to promote the growth and/or improve the sustainability of local and direct market food producer. The meeting will end with a tour of the Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens and the Cow Creek Restoration Project.
The Oklahoma Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (OK-SWCS) is one of the 75 SWCS chapters throughout the United States and Canada that represent the grassroots element of the organization. The mission of SWCS is to foster the science and art of natural resource conservation. The OK-SWCS is a multidisciplinary Society whose mission is to promote through education and example, an ethic that recognizes the interdependence of people and the environment. The OK-SWCS advocates the protection, enhancement, and wise use of soil, water and related natural resources in Oklahoma and beyond.