Service Award: Lisa Knauf Owen, 25 Years
Lisa Knauf Owen was recognized at the June 6, 2016 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for 25 years of service to the state of Oklahoma. Lisa received her undergraduate degree in forestry from Stephen F. Austin State University and her Master’s degree in Forestry from the University of Tennessee. Lisa worked for the Rogers County Conservation District for 3 years and then took her first professional forestry job in Maine.

Luckily for us in Oklahoma, Lisa found the Maine winters too cold! Lisa returned to Oklahoma to begin work with the Conservation Commission in 1994 as education coordinator. She has worn many hats with the agency, including assistant director of the district operations division, director of the district services division, interim executive director, and now assistant director. Lisa’s recognition stated that she is known for her work ethic, which includes a can do attitude and belief that, if there is work to do, then it needs to get done.