Service Award: Kim Tweed, 35 Years
During the June 2014 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC), Kim Tweed, OCC executive secretary, received an award for her 35 years of service to Oklahoma and the Commission. Service, however, is but one of the virtues for which she deserves recognition.

Whether she is managing multiple tasks and coordinating events or greeting you in the morning, Kim does so with such sincerity, professionalism, and joy as to be a model for others. It’s no understatement to say the Commission wouldn’t be the same without her. Her ability to take on any task and deliver well in excess of expectations has left an indelible mark upon this agency and those around her. She exemplifies the agency’s values of preserving Oklahoma’s land, heritage, and future through the conservation of natural resources—a legend in the making.
Thank you for your service, Kim!