Service Award: Kevin Gustavson, Five Years

Kevin Gustavson, OCC/WQ project coordinator, was recognized at the September 2010 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for five years of service to OCC and the state of Oklahoma.
Kevin joined OCC’s Water Quality division in 2005 as coordinator of the Grand Lake Nonpoint Source Project. Through that project he oversaw the coordination of at least four diverse programs in the Grand Lake watershed, including development of the Grand Lake Watershed-Based Plan. Kevin has transitioned to a position, primarily working with the Blue Thumb Program, that focuses on helping communities promote low impact development programs. He also works in other ways with municipalities to help ensure that their streams, rivers, and lakes remain clean. He is in transition to take over development of watershed-based plans.
“Kevin serves as our local rain garden expert,” said Shanon Phillips, OCC/WQ director, “and has even appeared on Oklahoma Gardening (television program) in an official OCC capacity to spread the word about not only rain gardens, but other ways to make lawns a positive influence on water quality.” He is currently developing an “Urban Stream Protection” workshop for municipalities, industries, and others that have streams flowing through their properties, she said.
Kevin and his wife live in Tulsa and recently learned that they are soon to become first-time parents.
Links to Kevin’s appearance on Oklahoma Gardening are below (in 2 parts):