Service Award: Kelly Mockabee, 30 Years

At the February 2012 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission Kelly Mockabee, OCC/FMHR administrative officer, was recognized for 30 years service to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and the State of Oklahoma.
Steve Coffman, OCC/FMHR director, said Kelly has completed a circle in her 30 years at OCC, which constitutes 61 percent of her life, he said. Kelly started with OCC in 1982 as an account clerk working under the supervision of Adeline Laird in the Financial Department. (A long-time award program to honor district secretaries, which ended in 2007, was named in memory of Ms. Laird.) From there Kelly moved to the position as secretary to Robert Toole who was then OCC assistant director. After that she served as executive secretary for the Water Quality division for several years. When OCC reorganized its staff structure in 2000 Kelly moved to the Financial Management/Human Resources division where she remains today.
“Kelly has been a great asset to the FMHR division and the Commission,” Coffman said, “and one of her strongest assets is her organizational ability.” She is responsible for keeping track of conservation district official minutes, the OCC and district directory, and all Requests for Acquisition and incoming invoices. A recurring comment on OCC audits compliments the agency for well-organized purchasing records and invoices, Coffman said.
Other activities that Kelly has been involved with over the years include coordinating registration for the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts Area Meetings that are cosponsored by OCC, helping in tabulation and the National Land and Range Judging Contest, hand lettering signs before the agency had computers and moving cubicle panels within the office. Coffman said she had moved more panels than anyone in the agency. In years past, when OCC had an after-hours softball team, the “Silt Sox,” Kelly had played on all positions and one year was named Most Valuable Player.