Service award: Greg Kloxin, 15 years
Greg Kloxin, Water Quality Division Assistant Director, was recognized for 15 years of service to the State of Oklahoma at the October 5, 2015 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission.
His recognition read:

“Greg Kloxin grew up in Perry, OK and is a graduate of Perry High School where he participated actively in the local FFA serving as Chapter President his senior year and earning the State Farmer title. He comes from a long line of Oklahoma residents including participants in the Cherokee Strip Land Run of 1893. Greg has solid roots in conservation as his grandfather, Russell Lewallen, was a long time district conservationist for the Soil Conservation Service in Pawnee County. He is a two-time graduate from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology and a Masters of Science in Zoology. Preceding his employment with the Commission, Greg served for seven years as a Fish and Wildlife Biologist for a private ranch in East Texas, during which time he was responsible for over 600 acres of fishing lakes and over 13,000 acres of wildlife habitat. While in east Texas, Greg also founded and conducted his own fisheries and lake management consulting business.
“Prior to becoming assistant director of the Water Quality Division, Greg was the division’s senior technical writer and before that held the environmental manager position. As the Assistant Division Director, Greg performs a number of important tasks. One of the most critical, is development of annual budgets and work plans for the EPA Clean Water Act Section 319 Program. He supervises staff, oversees the monitoring, wetlands, technical writing, and Blue Thumb staff, and is integrally involved in all the day to day operation of the division programs. His knowledge and expertise are well known and respected, and our partnering agencies often request his assistance on everything from working groups to program review.
“Greg resides in Guthrie with his wife Melody and sons Josiah and Juddah. He is a family man and a Godly man and his free time is devoted to Melody, his boys and his church. He is an exceptional cook, and he plays a mean bass guitar.”
Congratulations, Greg!