Service Award: Ed Crall, 15 Years
Ed Crall, Water Quality Division cost share and finance director, was recognized for 15 years of service to the State of Oklahoma at the May 2017 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission.

Ed began working at the OCC as the Project Education Coordinator for the Fort Cobb Project in April 2002. He worked with the 4 Conservation Districts in the area to share information, begin Blue Thumb Education events, and work with producers to promote conservation practices. Ed then stepped in for the last few months of the Stillwater Creek Priority watershed project to finalize implementation in that watershed, commuting from his home in Thomas to Stillwater.
His next task was the Sugar Creek FEMA project, where he worked with landowners, the BIA, conservation districts, county commissioners, and others to implement the FEMA flood repair efforts and the support the partnering Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative that helped producers in Sugar Creek repair the damage that FEMA could not.
Following the completion of his graduate work in accounting and successful pursuit of his CPA license, Ed has since filled the role of the Water Quality Division Cost Share and Finance Director. In doing so, Ed does budgeting, expense tracking, and many other functions.
Ed is always willing to help and readily volunteers to participate in Commission or Conservation events. Ed is always one of the first people to volunteer for Ag Day at the Capitol and other events with an opportunity to educate folks about Conservation.
Ed is a no-till producer, a bee-keeper, a goat milker, and a tireless supporter of local producers in his area through many efforts including the local coop board, as the coordinator for the Weatherford Farmer’s market and many other avenues. Ed and his wife Deb are proud residents of Thomas, OK and we are happy to have them as members of the conservation family.