Robert Toole Elected National Watershed Coalition Vice Chairman
National Watershed Coalition Fall O&M Conference Coming Up
At the National Watershed Conference in May, Robert Toole, OCC Conservation Programs director, was elected vice chairman of the National Watershed Coalition (NWC) for a two-year term.

NWC, in cooperation with Wise County, Texas, the Wise County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, the Texas Association of Watershed Sponsors, the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and NRCS, will hold a watershed operation and maintenance (O&M) workshop Sept. 24-26 at the Decatur, Texas, Civic Center.
“Operation and Maintenance/Sponsor Responsibility 101 Workshop” will encompass a wide variety of useful and current topics that are important to today’s watershed sponsors and their associates. The topics will include improving O&M, sponsor responsibilities, emergency action plans and products, and tools and techniques for O&M. There will also be a tour of local projects and field demonstrations. The deadline for registration is Sept. 5. More details and registration information are available online at
The NWC is a nonprofit organization made up of national, regional, state, and local organizations, associations, and individuals, that advocate dealing with natural resource problems and issues using watersheds as the planning and implementation unit.