

Poultry Litter Reports produced by the Oklahoma Conservation Commission from data provided by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. The reports are contain total amounts of litter produced in each conservation district and total amounts applied onto land in each conservation district by certified applicators. The reports are submitted each year to the Governor, President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Senate Bill 1170 was signed into law on May 20, 1998. Section 18, part D. 1 and 2 and part E specify that:

D. The State Department of Agriculture shall provide such reports to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission. The Commission shall publish an annual report containing the following information:

1. The total amount of poultry waste produced in each conservation district; and

2. The total amount of poultry waste land applied by a certified applicator when land applied in each conservation district.

E. The Commission shall submit copies of the report to the Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by March 1 of each year. Copies of such reports shall be made available to all federal, state and local cooperating agencies and to the general public. The report that follows was produced by the Oklahoma Conservation Commission. The reports presents a summary of data collected and furnished to the commission by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. Any questions regarding the methodology used to collect the data summarized here shall be directed to the Water Quality Division of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. The document represents the first report generated as a result of Senate Bill 1170. Data collection and the subsequent reports will continue to be refined based on feedback from those parties listed in Section 18 part E.

All litter quantities are expressed in tons and disparities between produced and applied quantities by county represent out-of-state litter applied in that district.

Poultry Litter Report 2014

Poultry Litter Report 2013

Poultry Litter Report 2012

Poultry Litter Report 2011

Poultry Litter Report 2010

Poultry Litter Report 2009

Poultry Litter Report 2008

Poultry Litter Report 2007

Poultry Litter Report 2006

Poultry Litter Report 2005

Poultry Litter Report 2004

Poultry Litter Report 2003

Poultry Litter Report 2002

Poultry Litter Report 2001