Plan now to attend the 83rd Annual Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (Virtual) Meeting

The 83rd Annual Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (Virtual) Meeting is scheduled for March 1-2 this year with the Annual Meeting on March 1 and Soil Heal and Regenerative Agriculture as the focus on March 2.
This year’s State Meeting features a strong list of presenters, leading off with Kevin Norton, a long-time Oklahoman and now Acting Deputy Undersecretary for the USDA’s Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC). Serving as the keynote speaker is Randy Frazier, a former Arkansas Park Superintendent who now conducts leadership training. Frazier, who has spoken in over 40 states, will speak on “What Every Leader Must Know About the Board.” Those attending will also have the opportunity to hear updates from the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Another highlight of the day will be recognition of the Leopold Conservation Award honoring this year’s recipient Grant Victor Jr. of Afton, Okla.
The second day of the State Meeting will offer a special opportunity as the focus turns to Soil Health with numerous outstanding speakers. By going virtual this year, the OACD is able to reach far beyond state lines to bring you Australia’s Tom Robinson on “Cutting Edge Technology in Soil Health.”
Plus, participants will be encouraged to tune in to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission YouTube Channel to hear some special messages recorded for the OACD state meeting from those including Congressman Frank Lucas.
In the video, Congressman Lucas’ mentions the 2023 Farm Bill; the new Administration in the White House; and his own working relationship with former and now current Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.
Congressman Lucas said, “They are very focused at the White House, and the Secretary will have to reflect this, on their climate agenda. Now whether that’s the phrase Global Warming from a few years ago or Climate Mitigation, whatever the term is, they are very focused on climate issues.”
Congressman Lucas later added, “But the bottom line is this, the Secretary has indicated as he practiced in the past, a support for incentive-based voluntary conservation. I will work diligently to make sure that he stays with that. Because you know, working together, you and I and a whole bunch of our friends in Oklahoma, and in the conservation movement all over America, through a whole series of Farm Bills, whether it was establishing the upstream flood control rehab program or establishing systematically in the 2014 Farm Bill a new construction program to work on finishing all of those upstream flood control dams yet uncompleted, or every other conservation program out there, we have made huge progress in the last 20 years. And if you’ll stay as involved and as committed as you have been, working with me, working through me, working beside me, then the next four years will only be a positive experience.”
The deadline for registration for the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (Virtual) Meeting is Feb. 26, 2021. Please complete the registration form and email to Please note there is a 4 percent credit card processing fee if paying by credit card. Registration fees are $50 registration for both March 1 and March 2, and $25 for March 1 or March 2 only. You can Download Meeting Registration Form or mail your registration form and check made payable to OACD to: OACD PO Box 2775 Oklahoma City, OK 73101