Oklahoma Septic Tank Remediation Program

What is the Septic Tank Remediation Program?
The Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC), with funding through the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, provides technical and financial assistance to homeowners throughout the state of Oklahoma to repair or replace failing systems located near Oklahoma water bodies.
Who is eligible to participate?
To qualify for the program, homeowners must meet the following criteria:
1. Must own and reside full-time in the home
2. Septic system must be within 1,320 feet of a stream, river, or lake (confirmed by Program staff)
3. Owner must make less than $150,000 per year
4. Septic tank must be deemed as failing by a certified septic installer or by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Second homes, rental property, new construction or major remodel, or commercial use property are not eligible for this program.
The application can be found here. It can be submitted in person at your local conservation district office, by email to your local conservation district, or by email to jeri.fleming@grda.com, (918) 944-6180. Questions can be directed to Jeri Fleming. (Conservation District Contact Info can be found here.)
Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Application + Agreement (If accepted, you will receive a copy of your fully signed agreement)