Oklahoma County Conservation District Sponsors Sunset Elementary Natural Resource Day
Oklahoma County Conservation District sponsored a Natural Resource Day at Lake Arcadia for 92 Sunset Elementary students Sept. 29, 2009. Fifth grade students and teachers enjoyed near-perfect weather for their annual Natural Resource Day held September 29 at the lake’s education area. Students rotated through four activities, one each for fishing, forestry, soils, and water.

The fishing session was conducted by Bob Mathewson, Betty White, Joe McCray, and Frank Barbee, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Students were provided the opportunity for an educational and hands on fishing experience.
Mark Bays, urban forestry coordinator, Oklahoma Forestry Services, conducted the forestry session. Bays led students in a nature walk where they got a first hand look at the type of trees growing around Lake Arcadia and learned more about the important role trees play in our environment. Each student received a tree seedling to take home.
Greg Scott, soil scientist, Natural Resources Conservation Service, conducted the session on soils. Students learned how soil is formed, how important soil is to everyday life, and they had a chance to dig their own soil samples.
The water activity was lead by Becky Inmon, district secretary, Oklahoma County Conservation District. Students pretended to be water molecules and simulated the movement of water within the water cycle. As they traveled, students made a bracelet to illustrate their journey. The activity, entitled The Incredible Journey, was developed by educators at Project WET to promote critical thinking and problem solving skills among students.
Each student also received a Project WET activity booklet, The Water Story, and an official ‘Resource Ranger’ pledge card for completing all four sessions.
Sunset teachers participating in the Natural Resource Day included Marcy Johnson, Kimberly Shook, Cathy Sudduth, and Jan Pezant.