OCC Full Staff Meeting, Oxley Nature Center

(More photos are available at OCC Full Staff Meeting, Oxley Nature Park, Oct. 6, 2010.)
Oklahoma Conservation Commission held a full staff meeting at Oxley Nature Park in Tulsa on Oct. 6, 2010. OCC’s Water Quality Division hosted the meeting and involved participants in some of the division’s routine activities. Staff were introduced to collecting and identifying fish and insects and analyzing chemical properties of water samples. Staff also participated in an Enviroscape demonstration and toured the Oxley Nature Park.

Kevin Gustavson, OCC/WQ project coordinator, was announced as employee of the Quarter. He will be recognized at a Conservation Commission monthly meeting at a future date.
Participants were asked to bring their own lunch and a contest was held to choose the most remarkable lunchbox. Chuck Nuttle, OCC/AML inspector, won the contest with his small red lunchbox that he carried to school (uphill both ways and always in the snow, he said) beginning with the first grade in 1943.
As part of OCC’s State Charitable Campaign, the Awards and Recognition Committee held a “Kiss the Fish” contest. Jars were labeled with the names of Mike Thralls, OCC executive director, and Ben Pollard, assistant director, and each of the six division directors Steve Coffman, Robert Toole, Mike Kastl, Lisa Knauf, Mike Sharp and Shanon Phillips. The jars were made available to OCC staff where cash donations to benefit charity could be placed. The person whose name was on the jar with the least amount of money would have to kiss a live fish at the staff meeting. Mike Sharp, OCC/IT director “won” the honor, but unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting. Shellie Willoughby of the IT staff substituted for Sharp and kissed the fish at the meeting.