NRCS Earth Team Volunteer Accomplishes More Than Donating Time
Submitted by Carol Crouch, NRCS District Conservationist

Mark Ward is an Earth Team volunteer in the Cleveland County Conservation District and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service field office located in Norman. Mark, husband of district secretary Chris Ward, is also a cancer survivor. For the last year, Mark has been battling four cancerous brain tumors and has undergone intensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
After aggressive cancer treatment, Mark was faced with a need to work daily on repetitious activities to help in improve his motor skills and short-term memory. He decided that he wanted to do something that would not only be therapeutic but would also benefit others. For the last month, Mark has been going to the district and NRCS office twice a week to assemble program information packets for upcoming outreach events.
According to NRCS District Conservationist, Carol Crouch, Mark deserves a round of applause. “Although Mark’s disabilities are short-term, his decision to donate his time to his community has been therapeutic for the NRCS and Cleveland County Conservation District staff who are humbled and inspired by his commitment and contribution as an Earth Team volunteer,” she said.