NACD Auxiliary National and Regional Photo Contests 2011

The NACD Auxiliary Photo Contest is open to amateur photographers who are residents of the United States or its territories. Participants can enter as many as five photos total each year. Each photo has to fit in one of the four natural resource or conservation photo categories listed below. Please note changes in the process for submission of jpegs of photos via email for the national contest described at the link below.
NACD has provided required-entry instructions that provide a complete description of how to submit photographs, accepted photo formats, judging, use of the photos and prizes. Please follow these instructions and guidelines carefully to ensure eligibility in the contest.
Photo Categories
Before taking your photos or submitting them for the contest, please review the following detailed explanation of the photo categories. Judges reserve the right to determine if a photograph is appropriately categorized and change a photograph’s category accordingly.
- Conservation Practices
- Close Up Conservation
- Conservation in Action
- Agriculture and Conservation Across America
Please note differences between the national and regional contests:
South Central Region Photo Contest
- The South Central Region contest only allows entries by youth photographers, defined as 18 years of age or under.
- The regional contest accepts 5″x7″ print photograph submissions only.
- The regional deadline is July 20, 2011.
- There are no forms required to enter the regional contest.
- Regional entries are to be sent to Grace Vining, 1651 Highway 18, Edgard, LA, 70049.
NACD National Photo Contest
- The national Contest has categories for youth and adult photographers.
- The national contest allows for submission of photos in electronic format or in print.
- The national deadline is Dec. 1, 2011.
- There are entry and release forms required in the national contest.
- National entries are to be sent to NACD Auxiliary Photo Contest 968 E 600 N, Greenfield, IN 46140, or emailed to