NACD Auxiliary National and Regional Photo Contests

The NACD/Auxiliary Photo Contest is open to amateur photographers who are residents of the U.S. or its territories. Participants can enter as many as five photos in each year.
NACD has provided a complete description of how to submit photographs, accepted photo formats, judging, use of the photos and prizes at the website below. Guidelines must be followed carefully to ensure eligibility in the contest. Changes in the process for submitting photos via email for the national contest are also described at the following link: The deadline for the national contest is Dec. 1, 2012.
The South Central Region Photo Contest is only open to youth photographers, 18 years of age and younger and accepts 5”x7” photo prints only, mailed to Grace Vining, 1651 Highway 18, Edgard, La. The deadline for the regional contest is July 2, 2012.