Hughes County Conservation District Cedar, Brush & Weed Control
Cedar, Brush & Weed Control Demonstration to be held September 23
By Aubie Keesee – Hughes Co. Ext. Ed. Ag / 4-H / CED

The Hughes County Conservation District will co-host a “Cedar, Brush & Weed Control Demonstration” with Oklahoma State University Extension Service in Holdenville on Sept. 23, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They invite you to join them for this educational event.
This year they have changed the format to include demonstration plots showing chemical control of pasture weeds and brush, along with a series of equipment presentations on mechanical control methods. The brush control plots are excellent demonstrations of ground and foliar-applied herbicides controlling elm, cedar, blackberry, persimmon and other brush species. The weed control plots look at application timing, fertility, and weed control comparing 2-4 D, Cimarron Max, GrazonNext, Weedmaster, and more.
This event will be held entirely outdoors and will take less than two hours to complete the tour. Participants are welcome to come and go at any time, and have the option of either waiting for one of the guided tours or walking through the site on their own.
There will be guided tours every 90 minutes beginning at 9:00 a.m. The tour schedules are tentatively set at 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend this event.
The demonstration will be held one and three-quarters miles west of Holdenville on Highway 270, next to Rainbow Auto Salvage located on the south side of the highway. Participants may access the site by turning south into the Rainbow Auto Salvage drive and turning back to the east (left) before reaching the building. There will be a 30”x 30” Cedar Conference banner set at the road to guide visitors to the location.
For more information contact the Hughes County OSU Extension Office at 405-379-5470 or the Hughes County Conservation District at 405-379-2570.