Hominy 4-H Club Plants Trees on Main Street

The Hominy 4-H Club, with help from Sandra Drummond and the Osage County Conservation District and others, planted trees along Main Street in Hominy, Okla., on March 23, 2012. Drummond is a board member of the Osage County Conservation District and former member of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission. Rep. Sean Roberts, the City of Hominy and the OSU Extension Service also contributed to the tree planting project.

Before the planting began, Will Cubbage, OSU Extension agent, presented a horticulture class on tree selection, planting and nurturing. Tex Bayouth, with the City of Hominy, arranged for the city’s utility department to dig holes for the trees and the city also provided mulch and compost. Sanders Nursery, Coweta, provided the trees at a discounted rate for the effort. Rep. Roberts helped with the physical part of planting and encouraged and commended the youth members for their efforts.
“The Club would not have completed this project without the support of Sandra Drummond and the Osage County Conservation District which donated $500,” according to the Hominy News-Progress newspaper.
The effort resulted in the planting of 10 trees — 5 redbud and 5 Chinese pistache. The 4-H Club committed to continuing care and maintenance of the trees and hopes to gather enough funds to purchase “Treegator” slow-release watering bags for the trees.