High Plains Range Conference

Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, and Colorado agencies and producers will join forces at the first High Plains Range Conference June 28-30, 2010, near Kenton, Okla., at Camp Billy Joe to address a variety of common concerns such as elimination of encroaching brush, drought, grass health management, grazing management and others. Landowners and operators are invited to participate in this unique opportunity to experience the beauty, uniqueness, and hospitality of the area while learning and sharing your expertise with other ranchers and presenters. The Conference is planned to be held annually to cover different aspects and needs.
Rangelands comprise well over half the land resource of the five-states region of Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, and Texas centered around the Oklahoma Panhandle. Informed management and conservation of rangelands has a tremendous impact on the economic and environmental well-being of those respective states. Assisting, educating and training landowners and operators in the wise use and stewardship of those rangelands is a sound investment in the future.
Each attendee will pay a $100.00 conference fee with a reduction in price for bringing a friend, partner, banker or someone involved with their operations. Those attending all sessions, meals, and tours will receive a $25.00 discount at the end of the conference. The Conference begins July 28 at noon and will dismiss July 30 after lunch. Seven meals and overnight bunking facilities are included in the fee. Lodgers have to bring their own bedrolls and towels. Field tours are scheduled to demonstrate grass concerns and ways to address those concerns. Active participation by attendees is encouraged, as we hope to make this an opportunity for problem solving and networking. In addition, the sponsors are asking each participant to bring any NRCS maps, ecological site descriptions, and management plans that may pertain to their ranch which they would be willing to share with others to aid in the learning experience.
For more information please contact Iris Imler, Cimarron County Conservation District programs coordinator at (580)544-3048 or NRCS Boise City Field Office, Cambra Soukup, range management specialist at (580)544-2812 ext. 114. The deadline to sign up is June 23. Limited space so make contact soon.
Click here for a printable pdf document with the agenda and registration form.