Garfield County CD Returns Legal Fees to OCC
Jason Skaggs, Garfield County Conservation District manager, appeared at the July Commission meeting and stated that two years ago the district had requested financial assistance from OCC in taking legal action regarding a flood control structure. A landowner had modified an auxiliary spillway on Upper Red Rock Creek in violation of the easement. Working with the Red Rock Conservancy District, the conservation district pursued legal action. In the settlement of the case the landowner agreed to reimburse the district for legal expenses and damages. Skaggs presented a check in the amount of $11,690.13 to OCC as reimbursement of funds that OCC had provided to the district for legal expenses and part of the damages.

The Commissioners commended Garfield County CD for its perseverance in pursuing legal action to correct the easement violation and for all its work on watershed upstream flood control structures.