Farm Bill 2008 Information Meetings

STILLWATER, OK — Farmers, ranchers, land managers and others interested in the 2008 Farm Bill and the Economic Stimulus Bill are encouraged to attend information meetings being held throughout Oklahoma beginning on April 1.
The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill), which became law on May 22, 2008, increases funding for conservation programs by 38 percent. These meetings will provide attendees the opportunity to hear about changes made from the 2002 Farm Bill and how it will affect Oklahoma agricultural producers, economic development coordinators, cities, health care professionals, rural water district managers, and others.
A host of federal and state agriculture partners will be providing up-to-date information during the nine meetings which have been planned during April and May across the state. The forums will include speakers on the commodity programs, including livestock and crops, energy and rural development, forestry, conservation programs, and opportunities for funding that may exist in economic stimulus program. Participants will hear speakers during general sessions and then have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions for more detailed information that is of special interest to them.
Meeting times are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of attending these forums will be $10 with advance registration, or $15 at the door. The dates and locations of these meetings are:
April 1 – Stillwater, Community Building, Expo Center, RSVP (918) 627-8101.
April 8 – Pryor, Northeast Technology Center, RSVP (918) 456-4408
April 15 – Goodwell, Panhandle State University New Science Bldg. RSVP (580) 735-2033 Ext 4
April 17 – McAlester, Eastern State College, RSVP (918) 423-2479
April 23 – El Reno, Canadian Valley Tech Center, RSVP (580) 234-8331
April 24 – Idabel, Southeastern OSU-Idabel Campus, RSVP (918) 423-2479
May 8 – Woodward, High Plains Technology Center, RSVP (580) 735-2033 Ext 4
May 13 – Sulphur, Expo Center, RSVP (405) 238-6544
May 15 – Altus, Western Oklahoma State College, RSVP (59) 832-3661
The rural Oklahoma partners delivering this program include OSU Extension, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), USDA-Rural Development (RD), Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, & Forestry, Oklahoma Conservation Tribal Advisory Council, Rural Enterprises, Inc., and nine Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Councils.
More information on these meetings can be obtained from the High Plains RC&D, based in Buffalo, Oklahoma, at 580-735-2023 x 4, or through their website: The High Plains RC&D is a partner with the USDA-NRCS, providing tools and technical support to stabilize and grow Oklahoma communities while protecting and developing natural resources.
NRCS is an equal opportunity provider and employer. All programs and services of the Natural Resources Conservation Service are provided in a nondiscriminatory manner.