Spoil your Soil
Spoil your Soil
May 14, 2022 9am-4pm
Lunch Provided $50/person
The Red Barn at 35210 Choctaw Road
Waynoka, OK
Learn How to:
Build a Johnson-Su Bio-reactor
An excellent method to make compost
Create Biochar
Makes High Carbon Content to improve soil.
Spread Worm-casting slurry
Known to increase the Brix level in the plants substantially.
Read Brix with a Refractometer
Brix scores improve soil, increases available energy and mineral content of the plants
Perform Water Infiltration Test
Shows the importance of soil health
Watch a Yeoman’s plow in action
Lifts the soil from underneath and protects the soil microbes, fungi and good bacteria
Contact Juli Barker for questions and registration
Text or call (405) 833-7919
Venmo, Paypal and Pay at the Gate are available
or mail name, contact info, and check to:
1127 Church Street Waynoka OK 73860