Oklahoma Farmers Veteran Coalition
The Oklahoma Farmers Veteran Coalition says that Joel Heinzeroth will be a featured speaker on behalf of the Oklahoma Farmers Veteran Coalition at our Western OK Workshops on July 21st in Lawton. Registration is required for this event. For more details and to register please go to onieproject.org/olac!
The ONIE Project was awarded the Regional Food System Partnership Grant to establish the Oklahoma Local Agriculture Collaborative with Langston University and Healthy Oklahoma Nutrition Alliance (HONA) as sub-awardees.
The overarching goal of OLAC is to strengthen and grow the capacity of Oklahoma’s local agriculture in three areas: improving communication and access to underutilized resources; developing technical support systems to foster innovative practices; and creating a statewide registration and membership network for producers and direct-to-consumer markets. OLAC will specifically focus on rural markets and underserved communities to ensure that all Oklahomans have equal access.
To get registered for the event, complete this form https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/5cfa6ca4dc724dfebacde1084fb6b78f?fbclid=IwAR1eYJXGbS-gv6KnZB3OJ8_MObNCNVOCVH38w0HBDIq7O2WBOTEyKllTsGk