OACD, USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub, Climate Smart Agriculture Seminar
As part of their ongoing commitment to help production agriculture in Oklahoma and the Southern Plains region of the United States, the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub (Climate Hub) in partnership with the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts will be hosting the “Economics of Adaption” seminar 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 26. This event will provide information to agriculture producers about how strategies designed to help farmers and ranchers deal with extreme weather events like droughts, floods and wildfires can also help save money and increase profits.
Speakers will include the Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s Water Quality Division Director Shanon Phillips and Soil Health Educator and Blane Stacy.
“We are very excited to partner with the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts to make this event happen,” said Julian Reyes, acting director of the Southern Plains Climate Hub. “This is a great opportunity to show producers how preparing for extreme weather, protecting the environment, and increasing profitability can all go hand in hand.”
Speakers at the event will include Beth Mason with the National Association of Conservation Districts on the economics of cover crops and no-till; Oklahoma State University Range Extension Specialist Dr. Laura Goodman on the benefits of patch burning and multi-species grazing; Debbie Lyons-Blythe, Chair of the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef; Dr. Jaymelyn Farney, Kansas State University Associate Professor and extension specialist on cover crop grazing.