
CARE Project, Pond Construction Pittsburg County Conservation District

Save the Date for September 29, 2022 !! Come join us for a field day that discusses “Do’s and Dont’s” for ponds, Johnson grass myth busters and Ponds during Drought Conditions.

September 29th: Robert Kerns, Pittsburg County, Pond Construction, RSVP: Amy Isbell

What is C.A.R.E.?

The Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD), the Oklahoma Black Historical Research Project (OBHRPI), and Texas Agriforestry Small Farmers and Ranchers are partnering to increase participation of NRCS programs in agriculture and conservation among socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers.  The Conservation and Agriculture Reach Everyone (CARE) Project is a collaborative effort led by the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD) with the Oklahoma Black Historical Research Project, Texas Agriforestry Small Farmers & Ranchers, and Association of Texas Soil & Water Conservation Districts. The purpose is to increase the number of farmers/ranchers participating in conservation planning and programs in order to improve soil health, water quality, and the viability of working lands. The CARE project places an emphasis on assisting socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers/ranchers. Working with this targeted group to expand their knowledge of innovative technology, soil health, and invasive species eradication will assist them in sustaining their farms. The project will build the capacity of participating organizations to develop and implement conservation projects and strengthen the technical capacity of conservation districts to assist in both conservation planning and Farm Bill Conservation Programs.

The event is finished.


Sep 29 2022


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


465 Clearlake Road, Indianola, OK 74442