EPA 2008 Report Features OCC Water Quality Successes

The 2008 EPA Region 6 Agricultural Highlights Report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency features three of Oklahoma’s success stories involving the Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s Water Quality division. The stories feature accomplishments in the state’s Clean Water Act Section 319 Program, showcasing the value of the conservation partnership in Oklahoma, and the value of voluntary programs.
Oklahoma was the only state in the region — Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas —to showcase any of these water quality successes in the report. “I think this proves yet again that we have one of the best Conservation Partnerships in the nation, but especially in the region,” said Shanon Phillips, OCC/WQ director. “Congratulations to the conservation districts, the producers, and to NRCS, OCC, and OSU Extension who helped clean up Yellowstone, Sandy, Lake, and Peacheater Creeks,” she said. “If districts have a water quality success story about a stream, lake, wetland, or other waterbody in their district that we haven’t yet talked about, let us know what it is. They won’t know if we don’t tell them,” she added.
These stories are highlighted on EPA’s website at: www.epa.gov/nps/success. Here are links to the individual stories: