Employee of the Quarter: Karla Spinner
Karla Spinner, Records Management Specialist for the Water Quality Division, was recognized as Employee of the Quarter at the full staff meeting on December 18, 2013, and at the January 6, 2014 Commission meeting.

Karla is responsible for all data management, including data receipt, tracking, and entry into the water quality database. She has worked at the Conservation Commission (OCC) since 2011 and is a member of the Awards and Recognition Committee.
Her nomination read: “Karla is a bright, shining light in the Water Quality Division. She is constantly smiling and offering a kind word to fellow coworkers. Karla is always willing to assist with any task and greets a challenge with a positive attitude. Karla goes above and beyond to help her coworkers, and we know that any task she takes on will be done professionally and correctly.

“Most recently, Karla has worked with contractors hired by the DEQ [Department of Environmental Quality] to learn to manage a new program in order to allow the OCC’s data to be uploaded and used as part of a state-wide effort to analyze data and submit it to the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]. This task has not been without problems, but Karla has patiently and respectfully worked with the contractors, spending hours to help them understand OCC data and get the data into the format required for successful use. Even under frustrating circumstances, Karla has maintained her composure and positivity, being a model representative for the OCC.”