Employee of the Quarter: Becky Zawalski
What does Becky Zawalski bring to Blue Thumb? Anything the program needs at any given moment. She is unselfish and passionate about her roles both in the office and in the water.

Becky was named the Oklahoma Conservation Commission Employee of the Quarter during the April all-staff meeting in Oklahoma City.
The nomination said, “Becky has been in ‘crunch time’ with it being early spring, and in spite of this she has found time to make orders of needed supplies to keep the whole Blue Thumb team up and running!” Becky prioritizes so that every aspect of her job is taken care of in a timely and efficient manner; and she is always willing to help others.
In addition to keeping up with orders, Becky travels all over western Oklahoma to cheerfully work with the volunteers in her territory. Recently she started a new volunteer monitoring site at the Great Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge.
“Becky is especially committed to growing the Blue Thumb Program in the Northwest part of Oklahoma,” the nomination said.
Becky has a “Can-do” attitude, a cheerful demeanor and is quick to help others.
Plus, volunteers find it very easy to approach her with questions and that makes her a great representative of the program, the agency and the state. She is so enthusiastic about stream and river protection. While paying attention to the smallest of details, Becky is also great about having a “big picture” outlook.
Congratulations, Becky!