Dianne Ireton, OCC/AML administrative officer, honored by National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs
Dianne Ireton, OCC/Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program administrative officer, was recognized at the December 2012 meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for being honored by National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs during the 34th annual NAAMLP 2012 Conference held Sept. 23-26 in Des Moines, Iowa. She has worked for OCC’s AML Program since 1986 and received a 25-year State of Oklahoma service pin in 2011.

For many years Dianne has performed many “behind-the-scenes” tasks in support of NAAMLP. She designed the association’s first letterhead. From 1999 through 2003 she was the design and layout coordinator for the association newsletter. Dianne developed the NAAMLP website and continues to maintain it on a daily basis. In addition, Dianne maintains an archive of NAAMLP meeting minutes. Dianne is a person who likes opportunities to utilize her skills to meet challenges.
In her job with OCC she plays a key role in the AML Emergency Program that deals primarily with sudden and unanticipated subsidences of abandoned underground mines. In those cases where lives or property might be in jeopardy, action must be taken quickly to remedy the hazardous situation.
Dianne and her husband Roy live in Choctaw and have two adult sons.