Commission Staff Give Back for the Holiday

Here at the Conservation Commission (OCC), we’re very good at saving. Conserving Oklahoma’s soils and waters for use by future generations is our daily mission and lifelong ambition. But we’re also concerned for current generations. That’s why we like to save up food, baby supplies, and all sorts of other goodies each year for those in need during the holiday season.
This year, OCC contributed over $2,800 to combatting hunger in individuals, families, and infants through donations to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and Infant Crisis Services, Inc.
Most of the money was raised through the State Charitable Campaign. With pledge cards, a pie and goodie auction, and a silent auction, OCC donated $2,740. Of those dollars, OCC’s Water Quality Division raised the most money and chose the Regional Food Bank as the recipient of the donations.
Despite all the giving, OCC wasn’t done yet. Another donation drive was held at the December full staff meeting where staff donated cash and 202 pounds of food to the Regional Food Bank and cash and three large boxes of baby supplies, clothes, and diapers for Infant Crisis Services, Inc.

The State Charitable Campaign (SCC) was created in 1989 and provides a vehicle for state employees to extend their public service and help improve our communities. The SCC is governed by the Oversight Committee for State Employee Charitable Contributions (OCSECC), comprised of state employee appointees, which acts as the campaign’s board of directors to approve charities to participate, oversee campaign procedures, and contract with a non-profit organization to manage the campaign annually.