Carolyn Tucker retires after 35 years of Service to North Caddo Conservation District
Approximately 70 people attended a retirement luncheon for Carolyn Tucker on Sept. 21 in Weatherford. Tucker retired after 35 years of service to the North Caddo Conservation District. The district board of directors hosted the luncheon for Tucker’s family and friends from across the state. The group included past board members, employees of North Caddo and other conservation districts, current and former employees of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Conservation Commission employees.

Conservation Commission Chairman George Stunkard and Assistant Director Ben Pollard presented Tucker with a Conservation Commission Commendation for her service to the North Caddo Conservation district, her contribution to the conservation of natural resources in the State of Oklahoma, and service to the state’s conservation district employees. During her term as president of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation District Employees, the group visited the state Capitol and worked to improve conditions for district employees.