Blue Thumb Grants to Conservation Districts

The Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s Blue Thumb Program will provide 10 conservation districts with $500 grants for use in conservation education, particularly education that has a focus on clean water. Blue Thumb coordinator Cheryl Cheadle said, “Districts can apply by preparing a proposal that includes an estimate of costs involved, and by providing their Annual Report for the 2009/2010 timeframe and a letter from the district director.” A document with details about applying for the grant is on the available here. The document also has ideas for projects that might be useful for districts.
“Our goal is to help districts to keep good educational efforts happening even though funding is tough to come by,” Cheadle said. Proposals will be accepted from November 1, 2010, through February 1, 2011. Interested districts should refer first to the guidelines within this website, and contact Cheryl Cheadle with any questions. Proposals can be mailed or emailed to Cheadle, and contact information is within the guidelines.