Regenerate Oklahoma Webinar Featuring Jimmy Emmons
Be sure to watch this outstanding webinar presented by Oklahoma Conservation Commission Soil Health Mentoring Coordinator Jimmy Emmons.
Emmons is a Leopold Conservation Award recipient and 2021 inductee into the Oklahoma Conservation Hall of Fame. With soil health management, Emmons has data proving that his soil changed from an Entisol to a Mollisol according to standing profile descriptions.
Entisols characteristically have undeveloped top soils with a sandy texture, meaning they have a low capacity to store water and nutrients. Emmons’ topsoil is now a Mollisol, which is one of the most fertile soil types on Earth. Mollisols are rich in soil organic matter and have a high tolerance to erosion. He accomplished this in just 10 years by completely adopting a soil health/regenerative ag system. His first adopted practices included no-till and a cover-cropping system.