2012 Environmental Education Expo
OK GO! Oklahoma Get Outside

Remember when summer break was made up of days playing outside until mom called you in for dinner? Today’s kids probably won’t. In the last two decades, childhood has moved indoors. The average American child spends more than seven hours a day in front of an electronic screen. This shift inside profoundly impacts the wellness of our kids. They are out of shape, tuned out and stressed out, because they’re missing something essential to their health and development: connection to the natural world.
Outdoor learning programs and outdoor playtime can help students become high-performance learners with skill sets that will be with them throughout their lives. Outdoor education and playtime also help students perform better on standardized tests.
Teachers, students and retirees are invited to the 2012 Oklahoma Environmental Education Expo (EE Expo) to learn new strategies for engaging children in outdoor learning. Break-out sessions in three tracks – Exploring Nature with Fundanas, Treasure Hunting Outdoors, and Hiking in Nature – will allow participants to choose a strand focused on appropriate activities for Early Childhood, Elementary School or Middle/High School students. The Expo will be held in the Rosser Conservation Education Center at the Oklahoma City Zoo on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Keynote speaker for this year’s Oklahoma EE Expo is Jenifer Reynolds, host of Discover Oklahoma television series. Ms. Reynolds will be sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for a wealth of places in our state where Oklahoma can Get Outside!
Registration fees are $40 for teachers, and $20 for students and retirees. That includes lunch and a backpack loaded with outdoor learning “tools” valued at $50.
For more information, complete schedule and session descriptions and directions, go to http://oklahomaenvironmentaleducationexpo.com.